Tag: ano ang bao

What You Need to Know About Paying Payroll Taxes

It helps to define what exactly these taxes are. At the very basic level they are taxes that are required to be paid on your payroll. To be even more specific they are federal income taxes that you are expected by law to withhold from the paychecks of those who are in your employ. They are also Social Security and Medicare taxes that you withhold from your workers, as well as the amount you set aside to match it with. Taxes are also the federal unemployment taxes that are based upon your total gross amount in terms of payroll. You may decide to pay these taxes by using tax deposit coupons or the EFTPS online system.

If you decide to use the tax deposit coupon then this means using form 8109-B.You must fill out the relevant boxes on the form which stipulate the taxes you need to p…

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